Healthy Diet Plan

Friday, November 20, 2015

Daily Diet Plan For A Good Health

Daily Diet Plan means what you need to eat every day, what are the best time to eat protein, carbohydrate and fat, what is the portion. I will try to give you an ideal Daily Diet Plan. Let’s go-


Before start the morning walking, drinks only a glass of water that help to feel you better bowel movement and flush out clearly.


Breakfast is very important considering the diet. Because it shown that breakfast eater is comparatively slimmer than who not take. Try to take your breakfast with low glycemic index. You can choose
  • Muesli with semi skimmed milk or
  • Raisin toast with fat reduced cream and apple or
  • Porridge sprinkled with raisins and sugar or
  • Baked beans on a mixed grain loaf with an avocado
You can take a glass of fresh orange juice. It is better to avoid strong black coffee because it may lead to energy, fluctuating lows and highs in mood and feeling of stress.


Take just a pot of yoghurt that provide a sustained boost up of sugar level to your blood. As a result, you feel full until lunch. And an additional constituent of yoghurt is calcium (225mg) that make your bone strong. It is better to avoid sandwich.


Take a high protein containing launch. As for example-
  • Tuna jacket, Toast with poached egg or lean ham and sandwich
  • A bowl of salad (Deep green) which has more vitamins
  • Finish with nuts, cheese or fruits rather than dessert.
Try to avoid high carbohydrate containing food. Because carbohydrate gives you lethargic feeling and can make mentally slow.


It is better to take a handful of dried fruits. Raisins and sultanas are a good source of magnesium, Iron and calcium. Dried apricots provide you a great source of fiber. Try to avoid chocolate or biscuits.


Take a cup of tea that give you relax after a stressful working day. It is also a good source of flavonoid antioxidant and reduces heart complication. Try to avoid alcoholic drink because it weakens the immune system.


You can prefer sugary food because who take sugary food before dining, can eat less comparatively who not ate.


Another Important secession for eating
  • Add broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables to your meal because it contains anticancer components
  • Drink red wine one or two glass
  • Take marinated or plain meat or poultry


Optional secession for eating if you feel hungry.
Take a light carbohydrate (cereal) before bed that help you to sleep by promoting serotonin. It's prevent morning migraines due to low blood sugar level. Try to avoid alcoholic before bed because it can cause insomnia.

It is not possible to complete daily diet plan without water. Drinks water or other fluid at least 1.5 litter each day because-
  • Help in digestion
  • Eliminate waste product
  • Provide lubricant in the eye
  • Regulate body temperature

Monday, November 16, 2015

Best Diet Pills That Work and Based On Science

Are you finding, the Best Diet Pills That Work and maintain you weight? It is really a hard task. I will try to give you the Best Diet Pills that are scientifically proved.

Diet pills or supplement that are beneficial and help you to lose unwanted weight. This work as:
Appetite Reducer: This makes your feeling as full so you take fewer calories.
Absorption Reducer: This reduces absorption of food especially carbohydrate and fat.
Fat Burning Enhancer: This help to burn your storage fat, as a result, you lose your weight.

Best Diet Pills That Work

I will discuss with you the most popular 10 pills or supplements that are scientifically proved.

  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Caffeine
  • Hydroxycut
  • Orlistat (Alli)
  • Raspberry Ketones
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
  • Forskolin
  • Glucomannan
  • Meratrim
  • Bitter Orange / Synephrine

 Garcinia Cambogia:

Garcinia Cambogia, skin contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA) that is used as a diet pills. HCA inhibits a fat producing enzyme and increases serotonin level that helps to reduce carvings. Garcinia Cambogia can loss weight around 2 pounds or 0.88 kg within several weeks.


Caffeine is another weight loss supplement that found naturally in coffee, green tea and dark chocolate. This act as metabolic buster and increase fat burning even up to 29%. But it should be remembered that caffeine can reduce sleep.


Hydroxycut considers as the most accepted weight loss supplement. It contains caffeine and plant extract that help to loss weight. It can loss weight around 9.5 kg within 3 months.


Orlistat is another one that inhibit the breakdown of fat in the gut as a result fewer calories absorbs from the gut. It can loss weight around 2.7 kg within few week. Beside this, it reduces the chance of type 2 diabetes up to 37%.

Raspberry Ketones:

Raspberry Ketones found from raspberries that act by increase fat breakdown. And it also increases adiponectin hormone levels that also enhance to loss weight.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA):

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is another most popular fat loss supplement that found in some animal foods like butter and cheese. It acts by enhancing the breakdown of body fat and reduce appetite. It can loss weight around 1.3 kg within few week.


Forskolin is a plant extract in the mint family that acts by stimulating fat burning. It increase muscle mass and reduce body fat.


Glucomannan found from elephant yam (konjac). It absorbs water in the gut and accelerate the feeling of fullness as a result intake fewer calories. It's can loss weight around 8 pounds or 3.6 kg within 5 weeks.


Meratrim is a new one, decrease the amount of fat store and help to burn the stored fat. It's can loss weight around 11 pounds or 5.2 kg within 8 week. Besides that, it reduces blood sugar level.

Bitter Orange / Synephrine:

Synephrine acts like ephedrine. It increase fat burning and reduce appetite. But it should be remembered that it has a serious side effect related to the heart.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Best Diet for Weight Loss Scientifically

Diet for weight loss, is today the most concerning health issue. There are a lot of diet plan for weight loss, but the problem is feeling hungry and got unsatisfied after dieting. So what is the solution?

Step 1. Lower intake of Sugars and Starches
Step 2. Higher intake of Protein, Vegetable and Fats
Step 3. Measuring weight weekly

Best Diet for Weight Loss

Lower intake of Sugars and Starches

We know, Insulin is a hormone that transfers glucose from blood to different part of the body cell. Some type of foods like Sugar and Starch, stimulate the secretion of insulin, as a result fat store in our body cell. If we take lower sugar and starch containing food then
  1. Insulin level is getting down and storage fat is getting time to bring out from fat storage and body start to burning storage fat.
  2. Kidney starts to excrete excess sodium and water from our body, as a result, reduces unnecessary water weight.

If you intake lower sugar and starch containing food that lower your insulin level and lowering your appetite, it is not a matter to loss 10-pound body weight within the first week without feeling hunger.

Higher intake of Protein, Vegetable and Fats

Your diet plan must contain a protein source, low carb vegetable and a fat source.

Carbohydrate-containing food:
Cauliflower, kale, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, spouts, Brussels, celery and cucumber etc.
And remember that you have taken at least 20-30 grams carbohydrate to meet your daily requirement.

Carbohydrate containing food

Protein containing food:
  •           Meat: Chicken, pork, beef, lamb etc
  •          Fish: shrimps, salmon, lobster
  •          Eggs: Omega-3 containing egg is best

At the time of losing weight, protein can be considered as the king of nutrients. And remember that you have taken at least 440-480 calories protein to meet your daily requirement.

Protein containing food

Fat-containing food:

Avocado oil, olive oil, butter, coconut oil and tallow etc
And remember that you have taken fat to meet your daily requirement.

Fat containing food

Measuring weight weekly

If you maintain this diet plan then it is not mandatory to exercise. But it is better to go exercise 3-4 times a week. At first, you will try to go at a gym but if it is not possible then you may adapt with cardio workouts like running, swimming, jogging, walking etc. And you measure your weight 3-4 times a week. If you take more food then you have to burn it through exercise.

Another weight loss tips that really work:

Drink a plenty of water: Drinking water before half an hour of taken meals can help to take fewer calories.

High protein-containing breakfast: High protein-containing breakfast can feel you full for the next 36 hours.

Take food with smaller plates: A study proved that people automatically eat less when he uses smaller plates.

Sound sleep: Sound sleep can help you to lose weight and obesity. So take care of your sleep.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Benefits of Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating, today is a common thinking about weight loss. But you will be happy to know that weight loss is only one of the benefits of Healthy Eating. There are a lot of benefits of it
Benefits of Healthy Eating

1. Reduce Weight Gain

To reduce weight gain, at first, you have a concern about calories that you intake and that your body burns. You prefer healthy foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean protein and on the other hand, try to avoid excess calorie containing foods like sweets, fast food, sodas.

2. Prevent Cardiac Complication

A healthy diet has an important role in lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol level. It also reduces other cardiac complication. Saturated fat containing foods significantly increase your cardiac risk, such as fried food, coconut oils, meats, palm oils, snack foods. So you have to avoid as much as it's possible.

3. Reduce Blood Sugar Level

If you intake more and more sugary foods (eg. Ice cream, fruit juice, white bread, soda) then it can lead insulin resistant as well as type-2 diabetes. So you have to take complex carbohydrate (eg. Brown rice, whole grain, oatmeal).

4. Cancer Prevention

An antioxidant is an essential component of fruits and vegetables that neutralize free radicals (damaged cells). Free radicals damage our healthy cell and may lead to cancer. Antioxidant just neutralizes free radicals.

5. Enhance Brain Activity

Healthy diet and nutrition, ensure adequate blood flow in the brain and prevent brain cell damage. To ensure brain healthy diet, at first, avoid Steamed and grilled food, fried foods and take dark fruits and vegetable.

6. Strengthening Bones and Teeth

Calcium containing diet, help to strong your bone and teeth, help to regenerate and prevent to lose. Low-fat dairy food (Milk, yogurt, cheese), Dark vegetables (bok choy, broccoli ) are rich sources of calcium.

7. Fight Against Diseases

A healthy diet, help to fight and manage a lot of health problems, including Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, depression, metabolic syndrome and arthritis.

8. Prevent Aging

Antioxidant containing fruits and vegetables help to prevent aging through protecting your skin. Salmon’s  and fresh berries containing omega-3 fatty acid, help to improve the skin cell and prevent premature aging.

9. Fresh Smile

By strengthening teeth, Healthy food ensures a fresh smile. Yogurt contains microorganisms fight against bacteria causing bad breath, gum disease, and plaque. High-fiber fruits, vegetables, and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids have a positive role on a fresh smile.

10. Deep Sleep

It’s found from Numerous studies that, healthy diet ensures sound sleep that improve our overall illness.

This is not all of the benefits of Healthy Eating. There is a lot of another benefit of it. So all of us, try to take healthy food always to lead a healthy  life.

Friday, November 6, 2015

What Is A Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet can describe as the right quantities of foods that lead to a healthy life with a dietary regimen for losing weight. And it contains several food groups because, for a good health, your need can’t fulfill with one single group.

Healthy Diet

If you can make a Healthy Diet plan, It can help you to avoid many unwanted illnesses and delay the effects of aging.

Many common health problems associated with overweight

  1. Diabetes
  2. Heart Disease
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Cancer
  5. Constipation
  6. A weak Immune system so Infection can easily occur
  7. Fail to cope up stress
So, You have to make a Healthy Diet plan.

Healthy Diet Pyramid


Protein is very important for the building and repairing of tissue in our body. And it also contains minerals that are essential. Protein-containing foods are Meat, Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Nuts, Quorn, Beans, Soya etc.
Ideal- 70-100g cooked meats or 1/2 cup cooked legumes or 2 small eggs or 1/3 cup nuts
Per day 1-2 Servings

Bread or cereal

Ideal- 1 slice bread or 1/2 cup cooked cereal
Per day 6-11 Servings


Ideal-  1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 1 small potato or 1 cup salad
Per day 3-5 Servings


Ideal- 1 medium piece of fruit or 1/2 cup juice
Per day 2-4 Servings

Milk, yogurt and cheese

Ideal- 1 cup (250 ml), 2 slices (40 g) cheese, or 200 g yogurt
Per day 2-3 Servings

Fats and Oils

Unsaturated fats are the type, that may be beneficial  for health like Sunflower, Safflower, Corn and Soybean oils ,Olive, Canola and Peanut oils, Cream, Margarine and Fried foods.
Saturated fats are the type, that can increase the risk of cardiac complication so should be avoided as much as possible or eaten in small amounts only.

 Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements should be intake properly. If you think, you may be at risk, then you can talk with the doctor.


Drink plenty of water that helps to wash out of waste products and toxin.

Avoid Eating Night

Try to avoid dinner at midnight. It is better to take breakfast after 12-16 hours of the dinner. Different study recommends that, Eating just before you are more active so your digestive system gets a long break each day as a result weight should be regulated. People can take meals for two- three or five to six times a day. But it is really difficult to fulfill the demand if you eat one or two times a day.

Among Healthy Diet, Breakfast is a very important meal because you start your day with breakfast. And finally You keep a sharp eye on your weight and eat a balance diet, eat some fiber with each meal, take less amount of fat, sugar and salt.

Monday, November 2, 2015

1200 Calorie Diet Plan To Loss Weight

A 1200 calorie diet plan can be helpful for a man who want to lose weight. It can be taken a few weeks  for showing the result after dieting start. Now it’s the time for a diet plan, but it should be remembered that the plan can be rich in nutrients as a result, you don’t feel hungry at the end of the day.

Among all ways, the best way is to cut down on calories. But it is really difficult to create a 1200 calorie diet plan that containing enough minerals, vitamin and other nutrients. Whatever, For making a cutting calories, First you make your favorite food list that you want to eat regularly and planned accordingly. I will give you just an ideal diet plan considering all issues.

Let's go for a plan


Bran cereal- 1 cup = 128 calorie
Skim milk- 1 cup  = 90 calorie
Small banana-1 piece = 89 calorie

 Picture-1200 calorie diet plan Breakfast


Tuna sandwich on whole grain bread - 1 Tbs = 310 calorie
Raw vegetable crudites (carrot, red pepper, celery) - 2 cups = 55 calorie
Small apple- 1 piece = 80 calorie

                                           Picture-1200 calorie diet plan Lunch

Afternoon Snack

Small Nectarine-1 piece = 57 calorie
Sparkling water with lemon wedge = 0 calorie


Oz grilled chicken breast- 3 pieces = 75 calorie
Steamed green beans- 1 cup = 44 calorie
Salad with 1 cup lettuce, ½ cup cherry tomatoes, ½ cup grated carrot = 45 calorie
Olive oil and balsamic vinegar - 2 teaspoons = 90 calorie
Fresh small peach-1 = 51 calorie

                                 Picture-1200 calorie diet plan Dinner

Evening Snack

Small pear-1 = 86 calorie


Daily exercise has an essential role in maintaining weight loss. So if you want to maintain your healthy weight beside dieting, some exercise you can be


For 435 Calories Burn just Jogging for 1 hour


For 167 Calories Burn just Walking for 1 hour      

Weight Training

For 363 Calories Burn just Weight Training for 1 hour


For 508 Calories Burn just Cycling for 1 hour


For 653 Calories Burn just Swimming for 1 hour 

Aerobic Exercise

For 399 Calories Burn just Aerobic Exercise for 1 hour     


For 292 Calories Burn just sex for 1 hour               


For 254 Calories Burn just Dancing for 1 hour

Beside this 1200 calorie diet plan, you should follow these tips that are recommended by health professionals:
  • Exercise 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes a session
  • Drink a lot of water
  • 1 rest day within a week